Saturday, July 31, 2010

Instructional Technology Professional Development Plan

During this Instructional Technology course I have experienced some ups and downs. As my classmates will ultimately hear first hand of my frustrations with some of the newer technologies (sorry team, but thanks ahead of time for listening) in this blog posting I intend to discuss what I’ve learned, connections I’ve made and what potentially I will to with this experience.
I joined my first ever online, live, full scale, teacher techie group. It is called The Educator’s PLN: The personal learning network for educators. I truly would not have joined if it had not wowed me. Upon perusing its pages, it seemed reputable, safe and easy to use. I think I will learn a whole heck of a lot there and I’m really excited to have the time to join in on some of the great live offerings. Here is their URL address, maybe I’ll “see” some of you there. I also signed up for the PBS teacher site. Again it is an organization I’m familiar with and “feels” safe. In our earliest classes together, having a safe learning environment was a big issue with many of us and we could relate to how our kids in our classrooms feel about this also.
For the past three years or so my district has offered from time to time, a class on using a smartboard in the classroom. One of my goals this year is to take this class. I must compliment my district on their professional development offerings. They are free to us employees and are usually presented by educators within our district, who get paid for doing it. We also receive credits that we may use for certifications. I will work on getting a smartboard available to use for more interactive lessons. NOT just presentations. My hope is that the students will be able to learn how to use it too.
So I want my students to have fun, feel safe and get excited about the possibilities that we will be exploring together with technology.

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